Kobayashi-kun finished up his final presentation!

小林君が修士論文の公聴会で発表を行いました。傳田君に続き、環境デザイン学類の大橋研究室から出向して研究を行ってきました。5号館の実験室の整備から、分子線エピタキシー(MBE)装置の搬入、サンプルホルダー、チャンバー内部を照らすLEDライトホルダーの設計など、装置立ち上げと開発に従事してくれました。蒸着装置の不調と2度のベイクを経験し、磁性薄膜の合成と薄膜X線装置とエネルギー分散型X線分光法(EDX)を用いた解析を続け末に、去年の12月くらいから遂に薄膜が作れるようになりました。今年に入ってからは、作成した薄膜への電極付けと極低温での電気抵抗測定を行い、ギリギリで修論発表に間に合いました。得られた実験結果の解釈と今後の実験はNonaちゃんと後輩たちに委ねられますが、MBEの立ち上げと新しい研究をスタートさせてくれた功績は大きいです。また小林君はとっても綺麗好きで、小林君が使った後の実験室はいつもとても綺麗に片付けられていてとても使いやすかったです(後輩の皆さんも是非小林君を見習って欲しいものです。)また機械工学科で鍛えられた3D CADの技術が非常に高く、装置デザインに関しては特に高い集中力を発揮してくれました。修論発表後も、輪島君と島村さんの角度分解輸送特性・トンネル分光実験装置の試料ホルダーの設計を引き受けてくれました。最後の最後まで本当にありがとうございます。その真面目で着実に仕事を進めていく勤勉な働きぶりで就職しても是非良い仕事をして下さい。小林君、2年間ありがとうございました!

Kobayashi-kun finished his final presentation. He has been working in our group sent from Prof. Ohashi’s group in the engineering department. He mainly worked on setting up our molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system including setting up a new laboratory space, moving of the MBE system from a different laboratory, designing a sample holder for the MBE and LED light holder to light up the inside of the UHV chamber. Because of our lack of knowledges, he had a hard time to evaporate materials to the substates and experienced two bakings of the chamber. He repeated sample preparation and analysis using 2 theta-theta and thin film XRD, EDX to identify thin films and finally he created thin films since last December. From the beginning of last month, he started electrical transport measurements on those thin films and made it for his master thesis and final presentation. More detailed analysis of the data and further investigations will be taken over by Nona and his future juniors. His achievement setting up the MBE system will greatly contribute to our future research. He likes clean working environment and always cleans up after he does experiments, which makes the others comfortable to work in the clean working environment (Hopefully, the other students follow him….) He has a very good skill for designing experimental parts using 3D CAD. Even after his final presentation, he agrees to work on a new project designing a new sample holder for angle-resolved electrical transport and tunneling spectroscopy measurements. We really appreciate your great contribution on this. Many thanks for 2 years and have nice works in the industry you are going with your diligence and sincerity.


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