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第16回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 多田靖啓(広島大学)/ Yasuhiro Tada (Hiroshima University)





Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト XX名、ZOOMオンラインXX名

第15回 金沢物性セミナー(日本物理学会北陸支部特別講演会)


講演者 : 戸川 欣彦(大阪公立大学)/ Yoshihiko Togawa (Osaka Metropolitan University)




[1-4]。その発現機構は謎であり、関心を集めている。講演ではカイラリティ誘起スピン選択性(Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity:CISS)やカイラルフォノンなど動的な偏極現象を題材として物質中におけるカイラリティの意義を論じたい[5-7]。

1. A. Inui et al., PRL 124, 166602 (2020).
2. K. Shiota et al., PRL 127, 126602 (2021).
3. K. Ishito et al., Nat. Phys. 19, 35 (2023).
4. K. Ohe et al., PRL 132, 056302 (2024).
5. Y. Togawa et al., JPSJ 92, 081006 (2023).
6. 戸川欣彦ら, 数理科学 693, 9-15 (2021): 日本物理学会誌 76, 646 (2021).
7. 固体物理 2024年11月 特集号「物質科学におけるカイラリティ」.

Contact: Kei Takahashi, keitakahashi@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 15名、ZOOMオンライン 20名

第14回 金沢物性セミナー

タイトル:Van der Waals Epitaxy of Magnetic Transition Metal Dihalides

講演者 : Amina Kimouche (University of Potsdam. Germany)




There has been a growing interest in exploring two-dimensional (2D) materials beyond graphene. Starting from 2017, new platforms have been discovered with which magnetism at low dimensions is explored. The introduction of a variety of atomically thin magnetic crystals like transition metal dihalides (TMHs) has inspired efforts to not only understand the nature of magnetism but also to investigate the growth mechanism in these magnetic crystals. In this regard, nickel bromide and manganese iodide monolayer islands were grown on metallic substrates. I will show how Low Temperature Multimodal Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) imaging combined with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) and Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) can reveal a ferromagnetic ground state persisting even in the monolayer regime. Occasionally, various phases have been formed giving rise to a reach variety of electronic structures as revealed by KPFM. These van der Waals materials are expected to open a wide range of possibilities for quantum applications.

Contact: Toyoko Arai, arai@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 18名、ZOOMオンライン 7名

第13回 金沢物性セミナー

タイトル:Critical Materials: Atom-by-Atom Investigations and Manipulations of Rare Earth Complexes for Energy and Quantum Applications

講演者 : Saw Wai Hla (Ohio University, Argonne National Laboratory)




Complexes containing rare-earth ions attract great attention for their technological applications ranging from spintronic devices to quantum information science. While charged rare-earth coordination complexes are ubiquitous in solution, they are challenging to form on material surfaces that would allow investigations for potential solid-state applications. In this talk, we will present the formation and atomically precise manipulation of rare-earth complexes on solid surfaces [1,2]. Atomic scale manipulations and characterization of individual rare-earth complexes are performed with scanning tunneling microscopy and synchrotron X-ray scanning tunneling microscopy. I will also present our breakthrough research, where X-ray spectroscopy has been successfully performed for the first time to simultaneously characterize the elemental, chemical, and magnetic properties of just one rare earth atom [3].

[1] D. Trainer, A. T. Lee, S. Sarkar, V. Singh, X. Cheng, N. K. Dandu, K. Z. Latt, S. Wang, T. M. Ajayi, S. Premarathna, D. Facemyer, L. A. Curtiss, S. E. Ulloa, A. T. Ngo, E. Masson, & S. W. Hla. Adv. Sci. 2308813 (2024).
[2] T.M. Ajayi, V. Singh, K.Z. Latt, S. Sarkar, X. Cheng, S. Premarathna, N.K. Dandu, S. Wang, F. Movahedifar, S. Wieghold, N. Shirato, V. Rose, L.A. Curtiss, A.T. Ngo, E. Masson, and S.-W. Hla. Nat. Commun. 13, 6305 (2022).
[3] T.M. Ajayi, N. Shirato, T. Rojas, S. Wieghold, X. Cheng, K. Z. Latt, D. J. Trainer, N. K. Dandu, Y. Li, S. Premarathna, S. Sarkar, D. Rosenmann, Y. Liu, N. Kyritsakas, S. Wang, E. Masson, V. Rose, X. Li, A. T. Ngo, & S.-W. Hla. Nature 618, 69-73 (2023).

Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 24名、ZOOMオンライン 4名

第12回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 家永紘一郎山口大学)/ Koichiro Ienaga (Yamaguchi University)




① 2次元超伝導体はゆらぎの影響を強く受けるため,厚い超伝導体とは大きく異なる性質を示す。ゆらぎには,⾼温で顕著になる熱的なゆらぎと,極低温で重要となる量⼦的なゆらぎがあり,後者は様々な興味深い現象を引き起こすと予想されている。しかし,これまでの多くの実験は電気抵抗測定に限られていたため,完全な実証には至っていない。我々は,極低温・高磁場域で予想されている,絶対零度でも凍結しない磁束の量子液体の存在を,熱電効果測定を用いて実証した[4-6]。
② 超伝導体内の磁束は,温度や磁場の減少により液体相から固体相へと秩序化する。この秩序化は,比熱測定によって熱的(古典的)な相転移であることが示されている。一方で,外部電流で磁束への駆動力を増加させた場合には,液体状フローから格子状フローへと動的な構造の秩序化が生じることが知られている。この秩序化が駆動力をパラメータとした非平衡相転移であることを,フロー方向に垂直な電圧応答の測定[7]に加え,電流駆動中の熱電効果測定[8]により実証した。

[1] G. Blatter, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys., 66, 1125 (1994).
[2] C. Reichhardt and C. J. Olson Reichhardt, Rep. Prog. Phys. 80, 026501 (2017).
[3] 大熊哲, 固体物理 51, 547 (2016).
[4] K. Ienaga, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 257001 (2020).
[5] 家永紘一郎, 大熊哲, 固体物理 55, 723 (2020).
[6] K. Ienaga, et al., Nature Commun. 15, 2388 (2024).
[7] S. Maegochi, K. Ienaga, and S. Okuma, Sci. Rep. 14, 1232 (2024).
[8] 家永紘一郎 他, 日本物理学会2024年 春季大会 19aF1-4.

Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 12名、ZOOMオンライン 7名

第11回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 岡林則夫(金沢大学)/ Norio Okabayashi (Kanazawa University)





[1] D. M. Eigler and E. K. Schweizer, Nature 344 (1990) 524.
[2] M. Ternes, C. P. Lutz, C. F. Hirjibehedin, F. J. Giessibl, A. J. Heinrich. Science 319 (2008) 1066.
[3] N. Okabayashi, A. Gustafsson, A. Peronio, M. Paulsson, T. Arai, and F. J. Giessibl, Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 165415
[4] N. Okabayashi, A. Peronio, M. Paulsson, T. Arai, and F. J. Giessibl, PNAS 115 (2018) 4571
[5] 岡林則夫、日本物理学会誌 75 (2020) 279
[6] N. Okabayashi, T. Frederiksen, A. Liebig, F. J. Giessibl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023) 148001
[7] N. Okabayashi, T. Frederiksen, A. Liebig, F. J. Giessibl, Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023) 165401

Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 18名、ZOOMオンライン 28名


第10回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 志賀雅亘(九州大学)/ Masanobu Shiga (Kyushu Univ.)




近藤格子物質と呼ばれる希土類元素から構成された化合物では、遍歴的な伝導電子と局在したf電子の混成(c-f混成)によって、低温において近藤効果、価数揺動状態、重い電子状態などの様々な量子現象が発現する[1]。これらの量子現象の発現機構などを理解するためには、フェルミエネルギー近傍電子状態を調べることが重要であり、近年、走査トンネル分光法 (STS)を用いた近藤格子物質の電子状態測定が試みられている[2]。一方、探針と試料が直接接触していないSTS実験では、局在したf軌道への電子のトンネル確率が小さいため、f電子の電子状態を直接観測することが困難であることが指摘されている[3]。これらの背景から我々は、探針と試料を直接接触した状態で電子状態測定を行う点接合分光法(PCS)が、f電子の電子状態測定に有効であると考え、PCS法を用いた近藤格子物質の電子状態測定を行っている。

[1] A. C. Hewson, The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993).
[2] S. Ernst, et al., Nature (London) 474, 362 (2011).
[3] W. K. Park, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 246403 (2012).
[4] M. Shiga, et al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 245117 (2019).
[5] M. Shiga, et al., Phys. Rev. B 103, L041113 (2021).
[6] M. Shiga, et al., Phys. Rev. B 108, 195130 (2023).
[7] T. Takahashi, M. Shiga, et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 93, 023704, (2024).

Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 20名、ZOOMオンライン 6名

第9回 金沢物性セミナー

Title: Large-Scale DFT Study of Heterostructure 2D Materials

Speaker: Muhammad Y. H. Widianto (Dept. Mathematics ITS and MANA-NIMS)

Date: 27th February 2024, Tuesday, 9:00-10:30

Place: Lecture room 6 in the 5th building 


Since graphene was discovered as a 2D materials, the study of this system is gradually increased. The relative twist angle between layers creates the superlattice with Moire-pattern influenced the electronic band structure that give rise to van Hove singularities. Large-scale density functional theory (DFT) has become a powerful tool to study the electronic and structural properties of heterostructures composed of graphene on top of hexagonal nitride (hBN). We observe that the large corrugation occurs when the twisted angle becomes small. The number of hBN layer effect to the electronic structure near the Fermi level. Additionally, we discuss the role of van der Waals interactions and the importance of including this effect in large-scale DFT studies to accurate capture the behavior of 2D materials heterostructures in the multilayers systems.

1. K. Uchida, S. Furuya, J-I. Iwata, A. Oshiyama, PRB 90, 155451 (2014).
2. F. Haddadi, QS. Wu, A. J. Kruchkov, O. V. Yazyev, Nano Lett., 20, 2410-2415 (2020).
3. M. Long et. al, npj Com. Mat., 8, 73 (2022).

Contact: Fumiyuki Ishii, ishii@cphys.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

第8回 金沢物性セミナー

Title:Atom-by-atom electron spin resonance: towards qubit platforms at the atomic scale

Speaker : Soo-hyon Phark (Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science & Ewha Womans University)

Date:11th of December (Mon), 2023, 10:30-11:30 

Place:Large lecture hall in the 5th building 


Qubits implemented using solid-state spins are easy to manipulate, but such architectures remain tricky to scale up. Addressability to individual atoms and atom-by-atom position control using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) [1] opens the bottom-up design of functional quantum devices. As an extension of such potential to atomic/molecular spins, STM can provide a platform of solid-state qubits, which is unique in the sense of qubit platform design at a scale of ~1 nm, with an advantage of atom precision control of its structure and inter-qubit couplings. In this talk, I first introduce a recent advance of STM by combining conventional electron spin resonance (ESR), which picks up the advantages of the two techniques, high spatial resolution of STM and high energy resolution of ESR, enabling to drive and detect spin resonance of individual atoms on surfaces [2,3]. Then, I continue a successful demonstration of a qubit platform using atoms on a surface, where fast single-, two-, and three-qubit operations were performed in an all-electrical fashion, realized by atom-by-atom construction, coherent operations, and readout of coupled electron-spins in a STM [4–7].

1. D. M. Eigler, E. K. Schweizer, Nature 344, 524–526 (1990).
2. S. Baumann et al. Science 350, 417-420 (2015).
3. K. Yang et al. Science 366, 509-512 (2019).
4. Y. Wang et al. npj Quantum Info. 9, 48 (2023).
5. S. Phark et al. Adv. Sci. 10, 2302033 (2023).
6. S. Phark et al. ACS Nano 17, 14144 (2023).
7. Y. Wang et al. Science 382, 87-92 (2023).

Contact: Yasuo Yoshida, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

The number of participants, onsite: 13, Zoom online:18

第7回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 永井佑紀(原子力研究機構)/ Yuki Nagai (JAEA)





[1] K. Kamiya et al., Nat. Commun. 9, 154 (2018).
[2] YN, Phys. Rev. B 106, 064506 (2022)

Contact: 吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 23名、ZOOMオンライン 3名

第6回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 楠瀬博明(明治大学理工学部)/ Hiroyuki Kusunose (Meiji Univ.)





[1] S. Hayami, R. Oiwa, H. Kusunose, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 113702 (2022)
[2] S. Hayami, H. Kusunose, Phys. Rev. B 108, L140409 (2023)

Contact: 小幡正雄, obata@cphys.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 20名

第5回 金沢物性セミナー

タイトル:原子層結晶における新奇スピン偏極電子/Peculiar spin-polarized electrons in atomic layer crystals

講演者 : 坂本一之(大阪大学)/Kazuyuki Sakamoto (Osaka University)





[1] Y.A. Bychkov and E.J. Rashba, JETP Lett. 39, 78 (1984).
[2] K. Sakamoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 096805 (2009), Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 156801 (2009), Nat. Commun. 4, 2073 (2013).
[3] E. Annese et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 016803 (2016).
[4] K. Kobayashi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 176401 (2020).
[5] K. Kobayashi et al., Nano Lett. 23, 7675 (2023).
[6] S. Yoshizawa et al., Nano Lett. 17, 2287 (2017).
[7] S. Inagaki et al., Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 024805 (2023).

世話人:吉田靖雄, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト 17名、ZOOMオンライン 8名

第4回 金沢物性セミナー/The 4th Condensed Matter Seminar in Kanazawa

Title: Nonlinear optics on surface and interface: nano-structure and composition analysis

Speaker: Kuang Yao Lo (National Cheng Kung University)

Date: 23rd October 2023, Monday, 16:30-17:30

Place: Lecture room #404/405 in the 5th building 


Optical reflected second harmonic generation (RSHG) has been proven to be a sensitive tool for obtaining information regarding the structure of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. Rotational anisotropy RSHG (RA–RSHG) is used to analyze the structural symmetry of crystals, especially the surface region of centrosymmetric materials. Due to RSHG with the advantage of analyzing planar dipole symmetry, RSHG method has been widely used to study 2D materials, nano surface and interface.
Non-destructive examination of dopant concentration is essential in advanced semiconductor fabrication. One of the main issues to be tackled by the silicon device industry for miniaturization is the production of ultra-shallow doped layers, currently a key process in the silicon technology. The symmetry of the second optical susceptibility that governs the process of RSHG is directly related to the lattice symmetry and dopant situation. Therefore, RSHG has proven to be an efficient and powerful non-destructive tool for investigating the structural and electronic properties of material implanted on the surface layer, which reveal the change of dipole structure due to varied dopant concentration in RA-RSHG spectrum. However, RA-RSHG method to inspect symmetrical dipole contribution is not suitable for doped Si thin film (DSTF) since DSTF is grown by CVD method with in-situ doping and has less crystalline property. To tackle this issue, we suggest a revised time-dependent second harmonic generation (TD-SHG) for quantifying the phosphorus (P) concentration in DSTF. The correlation between the development of electric field-induced second harmonic generation (EFISHG) and dopant concentration forms the foundation of this approach. The technique is based on analyzing the evolution of the internal photoemission induced charge trapping and the concomitant electric field induced SHG. We further demonstrate a strategy to estimate the dopant concentration by considering the Fermi-Dirac distribution and the tunneling probability, without involving the crystallinity of DSUTF. The dopant concentration between 1017 to 1020 (atom/cm3) is unambiguously evaluated by this method. The unprecedented approach of using in-situ method to reveal dopant concentration of DSUTF via time-dependent SHG constitutes an important step towards in-line monitoring and optimizing the fabrication conditions.

Contact: Yasuo Yoshida, yyoshida@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

The number of participants: 10

第3回 金沢物性セミナー

タイトル:鉄系超伝導:発見とその後の展開 / Iron-based Superconductors: Discovery and Subsequent Developments

講演者 : 細野秀雄(東工大)/Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

日時:2023年10月23日(月) 10:30-11:30



我々が鉄系超伝導体を最初に報告したのは 2006 年&2008 年なので、既に 15 年以上が経過した。2008 年の論文は、全 ての分野で最も引用されたものになるなど、大きな関心を集めた。それから 15 年が経過し、その全貌が明らかになってき た。本講演では、発見に至るまでの経緯とその後の展開について、筆者の研究グループの結果を中心に紹介したい。

H. Hosono, A. Yamamoto, H. Hiramatsu, Y. Ma,
Recent advances in iron-based superconductors superconductors toward applications,
Materials today, 21, 278-302 (2008).

世話人:小畑由紀子, yobata@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

参加者数: オンサイト45名、ZOOMオンライン 24名

第2回金沢物性セミナー/The 2nd Condensed Matter Seminar in Kanazawa 

Title: Effects of electron wave function in optoelectronics and transport

Speaker: Eddwi Hesky Hasdeo [Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia & Université du Luxembourg]

Date: 1st September 2023, Friday, 15:00-16:00

Place: Lecture room 5 in the 5th building 


Electron wave function in solids can change electron’s trajectory in
a non-trivial way. The chief example is the Berry curvature that
leads to anomalous electron velocity. In this talk, we will explore
several phenomena of such effects in optoelectronics and transport.
Firstly, spatial gap inversion induces topological boundary states in
bilayer graphene. We investigate the collective motion (plasmons) of
the topological states [1]. Next, we show non-trivial optical
responses of anomalous Hall materials such as cyclotron motion
without magnetic field and dynamical Hall currents without breaking
time reversal symmetry [2,3]. Finally, I will talk about the effect
of wave functions in electron hydrodynamics [4,5].

[1] EHH & JCW Song, Long-lived domain wall plasmons in gapped bilayer
graphene, Nano Letters 17, 7252 (2017).
[2] EHH, AJ Frenzel, JCW Song, Cyclotron motion without magnetic
field, New Journal of Physics 21, 083026 (2019).
[3]JM Adhidewata, RWM Komalig, MS Ukhtary, ART Nugraha, BE Gunara,
EHH, Trigonal warping effects on optical properties of anomalous Hall
materials, Physical Review B 107, 155415 (2023).
[4]EHH, J Ekström, EG Idrisov, TL Schmidt, Electron hydrodynamics of
two-dimensional anomalous Hall materials Physical Review B 103,
125106 (2021).
[5]EG Idrisov, EHH, BN Radhakrishnan, TL Schmidt, Hydrodynamic
Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional systems with Rashba
spin-orbit coupling, arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07408.

Contact: Fumiyuki Ishii, ishii@cphys.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

The number of participants: 25

第1回 金沢物性セミナー


講演者 : 土師将裕(東大物性研)/ Masahiro Haze (ISSP, University of Tokyo)

日時:2023年6月9日(金) 15:00-16:00






参加者数: オンサイト 17名、ZOOMオンライン 28名


趣旨 / Concept


This seminar series was initiated in May 2023 by several condensed matter scientists in Kanazawa University. Through this seminar series, we hope that both domestic and international researchers at the forefront and young researchers within the university will discuss the latest research topics and that collaborative research and various personal exchanges will emerge from such discussions. Anyone who is interested in the seminar is welcome to attend. We also welcome those who are involved as seminar organizers.

セミナー幹事 / Organizers

石井史之、吉田靖雄、小畑由紀子、小幡正雄、新井豊子、高橋圭 / Fumiyuki Ishii, Yasuo Yoshida, Yukiko Obata, Masao Obata, Toyoko Arai, Kei Takahashi

お問い合わせ / CONtact

吉田靖雄 ・yyoshida at se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp