Ms. Wipada Jarupongjitrat and Ms. Sadanan Suknit Sanook joined us as re​search internship students from Thailand.

タイのキングモンクット工科大学トンブリー校物理学科から、Wipada JarupongjitratさんとSadanan Suknit Sanookさんが、2ヶ月間のインターンシップ学生として、低温グループに参加されました。Wipadaさん、Sadananさん、2ヶ月間宜しくお願いします。

Ms. Wipada Jarupingjitrat and Ms. Sadanan Suknit Sanook joined us as research internship students. They are 3rd-year undergraduate physics students at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand. Welcome, Wipada and Sanoo, enjoy your stay and research!

Prof. Hoffmann from National Tsing Hua University visited us!

台湾国立清華大学のGermar Hoffmann先生が、金沢大学を訪問して下さり、低温STMを使った金属表面上の単分子の研究に関して講演して下さいました。

Prof. Germar Hoffmann from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan visited us. He gave a seminar on his studies of single and self-assemble molecules on metal surfaces.

Prof. Kashiwagi from the Univ​ersit​y of Tsukuba gave a seminar on Terahertz light oscillator based on High-Tc superconductor.


Prof. Kashiwagi from the University of Tsukuba visited us and gave an interesting talk on his recent study on Terahertz light oscillator based on high-TC cuprate superconductor. The talk was very instructive and understandable even for students. Not only our group members but also Professors from the other groups joined the seminar and discussed the topic intensively. Thanks a lot for coming and seminar, Prof. Kashiwagi. (YY)

LTPHYS website moved to WordPress!

超低温グループのホームページをWordpressに移設しました。これまで使っていたiWebが段々とMac OSに対応しなくなってきたのと、ブラウザから誰でも編集できるホームページにするためです。皆さん、どんどん更新してください。

ULT group website moved to WordPress. This is because iWeb gradually stops working in latest Mac OSs and it would be nice if lab members can edit our website through browsers. Update as much as you want, Lab members!

Congratulations on your graduation!


Four master course students and four senior undergrads just graduated! 4 masters will work for industries from April and 4 undergrads will be master course students and work on low-temperature physic for another two years. Congratulations all!