Tim gave final presentations to finalize his 6-month-stay program in Kanazawa

Kanazawa University Student Exchange Program for Science and Technology (KUEST)の学生として、われわれのグループに参加していたTim君が、半年間のまとめのプレゼンテーションを行いました。まずは、8月6日にプログラム全体で行われたポスターセッションに参加しました。半年間従事してくれた、低温STMの立ち上げに関する内容を発表してくれました。色々なトラブルもありましたが、傳田君と二人で試行錯誤しつつ、頑張ってくれました。原子分解能とまではいきませんでしたが、ナノスケールの測定は可能になってます。Tim君、ポスター発表お疲れさま。



Tim, who is the student from University of Stuttgart and have been staying with us as an exchange student in Kanazawa University Student Exchange Program for Science and Technology (KUEST) program, finished two presentations to report his achievements in 6 months. First of all, he gave a poster presentation about building up our low-temperature STM on the 6th of August. He worked on the project with Denda-kun for a half year. They did trial and error and overcame many troubles. The STM is not yet in the phase to observe atomically resolved images but the spatial resolution is in nanoscale. He got many audiences for his poster and had serious discussions.

Two weeks after the poster session, we went to the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), the University of Tokyo for low-temperature STM experiment on MBE-prepared thin films of topological insulator (TI) with Jen-Te, a summer research internship student from Taiwan. The samples were brought by Dr. Su who is a senior of Jen-Te. Tim studied TI and gave a presentation about that, he already knew basic idea and fundamental theory about TI. We spent two weeks for the experiment and basic information of the electronic structures of the samples.

Back in Kanazawa, Tim gave a talk on the 9th of September about his a half-year struggles on LT-STM and two-week experiment on TI in ISSP. He carefully explained TI so that students who are not familiar to TI can understand TI and presented our results from ISSP. The work will be continued by our new student Nona! Good job, Tim!


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